Do You Need Cooking Oil With Chicken on Aluminum Foil

Tips and Guides on Using Aluminum Foil in Air Fryers in 2021

A lot of people are wondering if they can put aluminum foil in air fryers in recent days. This is a question that has been asked quite often by people who are new to the cooking appliance.

Aluminum foil can be used with some recipes, but not all of them. It is important to know the pros and cons before using it for your next meal. So today, I am going to give you some tips and guides that will help you decide in this blog post.

aluminum foil in air fryer

People usually use Aluminum foil for cooking for many reasons. It's one of the most convenient ways to keep food from sticking, it doesn't leave behind any odors in your oven, and it can be recycled afterward with little effort.

When using aluminum foil in air fryers, it could help you to get rid of the annoying issue, so you could get perfectly cooked foods, keep them delicious, and easier to clean up.

In this blog, you might find out more about what aluminum foil does for your food or discover a few other things like how to cook with an air fryer without aluminum foil. Read on to discover more about the pros and cons of using Aluminum foil in air fryers.

What is Aluminum Foil?

Aluminum foil is a thin aluminum sheet, typically less than 0.2 millimeters in thickness, made by rolling pure aluminum into semi-finished products of about 0.1 millimeters in thickness.

Origin of Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil was developed as early as 1907 for use in the kitchen and gained widespread popularity with the brand name Reynolds Wrap being introduced for household use by Nancy Birtwhistle, the inventor of the process used to make it commercially available.

She patented a method to separate molten aluminum from dross (a byproduct of the smelting process) using a water bath with soap flakes added to facilitate separation.

The British metallurgist Bernard Charles Saunders then discovered that alloying the metal with zinc rendered it much more malleable allowing it to be processed into the foil.

Types of different Aluminum Foil

  • Heavy-duty aluminum foil is thick enough to be strong without easily tearing or puncturing. Heavy-duty aluminum foil also makes fold-over bag edges possible. Some heavy-duty foils are treated with heat activators that cause them to fuse together when pressed firmly.
  • Light-duty aluminum foil is thinner and lighter than heavy-duty, but it also offers protection against liquids, grease, and light impacts. Light-duty aluminum foil does not easily tear when bent to form the bag-type containers in which foods are frequently wrapped for storage purposes.

This type of foil can be used when cooking tasks call for frequent turning or stirring. It's ideal for lining baking pans too. You can also use this kind of aluminum foil in air fryers.

  • Extra heavy-duty aluminum foil is three times thicker than both the heavy and light types of aluminum foils. The extra thick material makes this kind of heavy-weight aluminum foil perfect for difficult tasks like line grills that get extremely hot.

With its added thickness, it will not burn through the foil when hot grease is present on the grill, and it can even be used to line pans that are made for use in the oven.

Using of Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil is often used in cooking to prevent food from browning and/or to separate ingredients that would ordinarily react with each other. It can also be used as a disposable baking pan, for example when preparing macarons, and in the process of band saw cutting aluminum plate and sheet.

Aluminum foil can be used to cover various foods during grilling or barbecuing in order to prevent splattering and for keeping insects away.

It can also be shaped into funnels for inserting into bottles, forming channels through which liquid can flow out (through capillary tubing) or air can flow in (into stoppered containers).

In printing, it is used as an electrostatic field collector the image drum, and transfer roller in xerographic or laser printers, in industrial drying operations, or for controlled heat treatment of fabrics.

Aluminum foil is also used in the pharmaceutical, electrical and automotive industries where it can be employed to form an impermeable barrier to light, moisture, wind, dust, and so forth.

In addition to using Aluminum Foil in air fryers, due to its ability to conduct electricity, some foil made entirely of aluminum is used in lightning arrestors – devices that protect buildings and their occupants against damage by discharges of atmospheric electricity (lightning).

Foil may also refer to other materials that mimic its metallic appearance when used similarly in cooking applications. It is sold wrapped in paper or plastic food bags with a thin layer of either air or high-purity nitrogen inside the bag as a desiccant to keep the foil from coming into direct contact with atmospheric oxygen.

Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil containers are typically made of high-density polyethylene which has been found to release estrogenic chemicals when exposed to fatty or acidic foodstuffs.

It also can be used in microwave ovens. its use is limited by the metal's ability to reflect microwaves and so a newer version using a mix of aluminum and magnesium oxide is becoming more widespread in use both domestically and professionally.

Lighter weight foils made from either aluminized PET film or plastics impregnated with conductive compounds can be used for cooking thicker cuts of meat such as steaks by reducing heat loss due to radiation while allowing the juicier results of cooking by conduction.

What is an air fryer and how does it work?

To answer whether you could use aluminum foil in air fryers, you have to learn about how the air fryer operates.

An air fryer is a high-tech gadget that has many applications. It can be used to cook or bake, but also to reheat food. The main thing it does is the same as an oven: cooking by means of hot air circulating around your food.

But unlike an oven, this takes less time because the temperature of the hot air is usually higher than in conventional models, which speeds up cooking considerably.

An additional advantage of an air fryer is that you use less oil, which makes it more healthy since excess fat intake is one of the factors causing obesity and obesity-related diseases like cardiovascular problems.

Two types of technologies are commonly used for making air fryers: convection heating (based on fan circulation) and infrared heating (heating by means of a red-hot surface). In both cases, the technique is to circulate hot air around your food.

The fan in convection models circulates the hot air inside the machine while an emitter emits infrared energy that heats up a stone or a metal disk located just above it. This is how it works:

Hot air from below enters from below and only then gets heated up before being circulated around your food. The outside of what you are cooking doesn't get hotter than 100°C so there's no need to worry about burning yourself even when you take your food out immediately after turning off the appliance.

Of course, if you leave something inside for too long, it will burn but this shouldn't happen if you use an air fryer properly. Because the inside of the appliance doesn't get too hot, there's no unpleasant smell from burned residue.

By contrast, this odor is often found in ovens because the heat comes from all sides and easily melts fat which then sticks to its walls.

Can You Put Aluminum Foil in Air Fryers?

The answer to our initial question is this: Yes, you CAN use aluminum foil in air fryers. This is possible because an air fryer doesn't get hot enough to melt the foil, let alone burn it.

Aluminum foil can be used in one of the following ways:

  • to make clean-up easier (just remove after cooking is finished)
  • to prevent food from sticking to the appliance's walls
  • for more convenient storage of your air fryer

But there's a catch which has been mentioned already – don't leave it inside for too long or you'll end up with burnt food stuck to your appliance.

Using aluminum foil in an air fryer is no problem at all, however, you should always remember that using too much or too thick aluminum foil will slow down the circulation of hot air and thus prolong the cooking time.

If you want to avoid this, try using two layers of regular foil instead of one thicker layer so that there's no interference with hot air circulation inside the device. Cook on low power if you are unsure whether or not it will work with your particular model.

However, make sure to follow your appliance's user manual for specific instructions because all devices are different.

Pros and Cons of Using Aluminum Foil in Air Fryers

There's a reason why many air fryer manufacturers encourage people to use aluminum foil in their products. It helps improve cooking results, particularly when it comes to fish or fried chicken where sticking is an issue.

In most cases, you can simply place a sheet of foil below the basket, and voila! You've got yourself an instant liner for your device at no extra cost (other than the days of waiting for scraps of foil to roll out after tearing off sheets).

Of course, there are also some concerns about putting aluminum in direct contact with food; on one hand, studies do show that leaching is no more harmful than what occurs on kitchen counters but on the other hand, there are plenty of experts who recommend avoiding this altogether if possible.

The air fryer has a lot of fans who promote it as a health-conscious method of cooking. Using little or no oil, these units rely on heat and hot air to cook the food instead.

Yet what many people don't realize is that there are different types of air fryers; some use aluminum foil to "help" with the cooking process.

Pros for Aluminum Foil in Air Fryers

The aluminum foil allows you to more easily monitor your food while it's cooking since you can lift up one side slightly, raise the basket (if applicable) or remove completely if needed.

It also helps with airflow throughout the unit – some models get quite hot during operation and can cause items at the bottom of the basket to cook faster than those at the top.

A layer of aluminum foil on the bottom provides a greater barrier between the heat and any food placed in there, ensuring all items are evenly cooked.

This is particularly important if you're trying to ensure that meat is fully cooked without worrying about it drying out or burning on the outside before being fully cooked through.

Cons for Aluminum Foil in Air Fryers

Some people wonder whether putting food directly in contact with aluminum can have negative health effects since studies have linked this metal to Alzheimer's disease.

However, unless you plan to use foil with holes – so sharp edges can come into direct contact with your food – it shouldn't be an issue. The number of reports claiming otherwise is fairly rare when compared to the millions of people who have safely used foil in their home ovens for decades.

Other cons include the fact that you can't bake delicate products like meringues directly on aluminum foil since they may go flat or get tough by being cooked too quickly, plus food items are likely to be flatter after being "fried" using this method.

If you do use foil, it's best to place it below other food to avoid any potential leaching of chemicals into your meal. Using a layer above the ingredients also helps prevent the meat from sticking while cooking.

Finally, some models require special accessories not included with all models; these can range from baking pans to racks or plates designed for specific foods (like fish) if the manufacturer recommends them.


If an air fryer with a liner is what you're looking for, consider purchasing one that comes with accessories such as disposable pans or non-stick mesh sheets. Using these helps ensure that your food won't stick when removing it from the basket plus there are fewer safety concerns when it comes to cleanup.

For people who prefer to use foil in their fryers – and have no problems with the health issues discussed here – you can also purchase cooking bags made of aluminum specifically designed for use in microwave ovens and other appliances.

Are there Health Risks of Using Aluminum Foil in Air Fryers?

The majority of the human population today is exposed to significant amounts of aluminum, whether it's in their drinking water, food, or even cosmetics.

Although consuming high amounts can have potential health risks, it is important to remember that the body needs a small amount of aluminum for it to function efficiently.

This element can be found in our diets as well as coming from external sources such as cooking utensils, non-stick pans, and foil used for baking/cooking. However, what you may not know is that traces of aluminum are also found in an air fryer machine.

If you have been looking into this appliance or already use one regularly, then you'll want to know more about these dangers so that you can take whatever precautions necessary in order to avoid any potential consequences that can result from aluminum exposure.

How to Use Aluminum Foil in Air Fryers Safely

Like most people, you probably see your air fryer as a quick and easy way to make tasty treats. But it doesn't stop there! There are so many items you can cook in your air fryer that will speed up your kitchen time even more than it already does.

So what about the aluminum foil? Does foil belong in an air fryer? Can you use shiny side up or down? If these questions have been going through your head recently, then we've got all the answers for you!

The best part is that using aluminum foil in air fryers works great, but there's a simple trick to ensuring your food comes out perfectly every time:

Keep Air Circulating Freely

When you cover your food with aluminum foil, the air doesn't circulate as it would if you were cooking normally. This means that some parts of your food are cooked more than others.

You don't want to end up with burnt edges and soft centers because that's an easy way to ruin a perfectly good meal! So what can you do?  Use aluminum foil to line the base of the air fryer basket instead of covering all your ingredients!

Use Food That Are Heavy Enough To Hold Down The Aluminum Foil

When you use aluminum foil in air fryers, you may run into problems. If your food is a little on the lighter side, it might not weigh down the foil enough to keep it in place and mold to your food's shape.

Some food that can successfully be used with aluminum foil when cooking in an air fryer include:

  • Potatoes, cut into wedges
  • Chicken breasts or thighs
  • Fish filets

As long as your food is heavy enough to hold down the aluminum foil and mold to the shape of the basket bottom, you should be good!

Do Not Use Aluminum Foil with Acidic Foods

The last thing we'll mention is that you should never use aluminum foil when cooking acidic foods in your air fryer. This may include:

  • Tomato sauce
  • Vinegar dressings
  • Lemon juice marinades

When foods like these interact with aluminum foil, it can start to break down and lead to a lot of bad flavors coming out in your food! You could end up with something tasting metallic or even worse, give yourself food poisoning.

Just avoid using aluminum foil when you're cooking anything like this and your meal will come out perfect every time!

What kinds of food that you Can and Cannot use with Aluminum Foil in Air Fryers?

In Aluminum Foil, you can cook different types of food from vegetables, meat, and poultry dishes. In Air Fryer, Aluminum Foil helps you a lot to save your time and clean the cooker much easier after the cooking process.

All you need is to cover the product with aluminum foil and put it into Air Fryer for frying or baking. You may use aluminum foil instead of the special cooking bags for the Air Fryer.

However, there are also some foods that you should not use aluminum foil in air fryers. Below are the list of foods that can be used and cannot be used with aluminum foil.

Foods Can Be Used

  • Bacon: You can put a piece of bacon with aluminum foil and then cook it in the air fryer. After that, you can enjoy your delicious crispy bacon without any unhealthy oil.
  • Vegetables: Mostly vegetables are cooked using aluminum foil with an air fryer because this method is very effective to save time and easy to clean up after a done cooking process.

To be specific, broccoli, asparagus, bell pepper, onion rings, etc. will taste better when being cooked by aluminum foil inside the Air Fryer.

  • Chicken: Aluminum Foil is also great kitchenware for cooking chicken in Air Fryer. Wrap a chicken into an aluminum sheet and then just follow a simple way to finish one of your favorite dishes at home.
  • Cheese: You can put any type of sliced cheese (mozzarella, cheddar, American, etc.) into an aluminum sheet and then air fry it to make your delicious cheesy chips or snack.

Foods Cannot Be Used

  • Seafood: It is not recommended to use aluminum foil for cooking seafood in Air Fryer because some types of fish will leave a strange smell on the food after the frying process.

Especially, when you cook oily fishes like salmon or mackerel with aluminum foil inside the Air Fryer, this kind of fishy smell can be really annoying during the eating period.  So better to use a silicone baking mat instead of an aluminum sheet to reduce the negative influence on seafood dishes.

  • Cake: This food should not be used with aluminum foil in air fryers because this method will not help you to get a crispy surface of the cake. So, we recommend using an oven for this dish or another type of food that can be cooked easily and quickly.
  • Potatoes: Even though you can put an aluminum sheet on top of potatoes, it is better to wrap the potatoes with a piece of parchment paper so as to ensure there is no negative effect from using aluminum foil.
  • In addition, you should note that if your food contains high sugar content such as caramelized apples or bananas then it is recommended not to use aluminum foil as well.

This might cause a chemical reaction between high sugar limit and aluminum which will result in a distasteful smell and black color for your food.

Therefore, you should be very careful and selective when using aluminum foil to cook different foods with your Air Fryer. And if it is possible, try not to use aluminum foil as much as possible because there are still many other best cooking materials for air fryers which can provide the same advantages as aluminum does such as flexible silicone mat or dishwasher safe tray.

Recipe Can Cook with Aluminum Foil in Air Fryers

Chicken Nuggets in Air Fryer

Who doesn't love a delicious chicken nugget? However, who likes how much fat and calories are in a regular serving of them? This recipe is perfect if you want to have your favorite snack but not feel guilty about it!

From the oven to the air fryer, this recipe makes for some great tasting nuggets without all the extra stuff our bodies don't need.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 20 minutes

Total time: 30 minutes

Yields: About 2-3 Servings


  • 1 pound of ground chicken or lean ground beef (or any other lean meat you'd like)
  • 1/4 cup of bread crumbs
  • 2 tablespoons of parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper
  • Vegetable oil cooking spray


  • Step 1: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Step 2: In a large bowl mix together your ground chicken or beef, bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, egg, and seasonings until well combined. Do NOT over mix the meat otherwise, you will end up with tough meatballs. I do about 8-10 quick pulses on my food processor and that's it!
  • Step 3: Roll your mixture into balls (about 1 tablespoon per ball) and place on a nonstick cookie sheet or aluminum foil.
  • Step 4: Spray each ball very lightly with cooking spray then place in the preheated oven for about 15 minutes or until cooked through.
  • Step 5: Place your meatballs in your air fryer basket and spray with more cooking spray (this is not necessary but it helps get them crispy!)
  • Step 6: Cook for about 10 minutes or until golden brown. Flip halfway through if using an oven-safe cooling rack as I did.
  • Step 7: Enjoy yummy chicken nuggets without feeling guilty! You can also make these ahead of time and freeze them to reheat later! It's great because you don't even need to defrost, just cook according to the directions above. YUM!

Popcorn Chicken Air Fryer

Popcorn chicken is a popular dish made by deep frying bite-sized pieces of boneless chicken. They get their name from the popping and sizzling sounds that they make when cooking in hot oil. You can use aluminum foil in air fryers for this recipe for cleaning purposes.

This recipe for popcorn chicken makes it possible to enjoy this delicious treat without all the fat and calories found in traditional fried recipes. With the help of your air fryer, you can prepare these mouthwatering morsels in under 22 minutes.

Preparation time: 10 minutes (plus 30 minutes for marinating)

Cook time: 18 minutes

Yields: 4 servings


  • 1 pound of boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of onion powder
  • 3/4 cup of flour
  • 2 cups of panko breadcrumbs
  • 4 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper
  • Oil spray (for your air fryer)


  • Start by cutting the chicken into bite-sized pieces and then place them in a medium bowl. Stir in the milk, beaten eggs, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper to taste and let it marinate for at least half an hour.
  • Then add the flour and panko breadcrumbs to a large resealable bag and shake well to combine. Finally, add back urinated chicken pieces one by one and shake to coat. You can now set your air fryer for 360 degrees and preheat.
  • Once the machine is ready, give each piece of chicken a gentle shake to take off any excess coating before placing them inside the basket in an even layer or you can use aluminum foil in air fryers to keep the appliance clean.
  • Spray with oil and cook for 10 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.
  • Transfer onto a paper towel-lined plate and serve immediately with your favorite condiments.
  • TIP: For extra flavor, we recommend using Pork Seasoning flour which you can find at major supermarkets near other flours and breadcrumbs. Simply replace 1 cup plain flour for this specific product instead of combining all the dry ingredients as instructed above.
  • Serve hot popcorn chicken with chili sauce, sweet chili sauce, or honey mustard.

Chicken Patties in Air Fryer

If you have had a bad experience with hamburgers, do not worry. This chicken patty recipe will amaze you and maybe convince you to switch from beef to poultry.


  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed and chopped
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 lb ground chicken (you can substitute it for turkey)


  • In a large bowl, add all of the ingredients from onion to pepper. Thoroughly mix everything together then form into patties that are about 1/4 inch thick and 4 inches in diameter.
  • Place shaped chicken patties on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil for easy cleaning up.
  • Preheat the air fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 minutes then place 5 patties inside the machine at a time and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Turning halfway through the cooking time so they can achieve an even crispness on both sides. Repeat this step until you've cooked all of your chicken patties!

That's it! Once they're done cooking, serve them with some healthy!

Tyson Chicken Strips Air Fryer

Although very different, I consider this chicken strips air fryer recipe to be a classic dish. And it's really easy to make it yourself at home!

This is also ideal for athletes because of its high protein content. As always, let me know in the comment section if you tried it and how it went! You can also you aluminum foil in air fryers for this recipe to clean up easily.

Ingredients (per person):

  • 120g Tyson Chicken Breast Strips (or Tyson Chicken Thighs)
  • 1 egg white
  • 50 grams of breadcrumbs
  • Salt and pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • Parsley flakes
  • Olive oil spray


  • Preheat the air fryer to 180°C and cut your strips (I'm not including the skin because it's too fatty) If you buy Tyson, they already come in little slices.
  • Beat an egg white and dip your chicken pieces into it.
  • Put breadcrumbs on a plate and roll the chicken around in there as well as covering them with any spices that you want (salt, pepper, garlic powder, parsley flakes). It will give the recipe more taste!
  • Line up your coated chicken pieces inside the air fryer basket so they're all touching each other to speed up cooking time. Add a bit of salt and pepper onto them you wish before closing the lid.
  • Set the timer to 20 minutes and when you hear the beep, check if your strips are cooked (by opening the lid and checking through it like in my photo). If they're not done, leave them in for another 5 minutes until they're ready.
  • Once finished cooking, they should look like in this photo! You can eat them with a salad or with rice to make it more filling. Also perfect on its own! I hope you enjoyed this classic chicken strips air fryer recipe.

FAQs about Aluminum Foil in Air Fryers

Is it safe to put tin foil in an air fryer?

A lot of people use tin foil when they are cooking in an air fryer. Some even state that this is the way to clean the basket.

However, Tin Foil is meant for storage, not for cooking. The manufacturers will advise against using items such as tin foil and cling film in the product because it can be very dangerous.

Can you use aluminum foil in an air fryer for cookies?

If you have a lot of cookies to cook, an air fryer is clearly the best way to do so. If you want your cookies to have that crispy delicious crunch associated with deep-fried delicacies, then yes – aluminum foil is acceptable for use in an air fryer. But I think it would be better if you use parchment paper instead.

Can you put tin foil in an instant vortex air fryer?

No. Tin foil is not meant to be heated under extreme temperatures. Putting tin foil in an air fryer may result in the foil melting and will damage your appliance.

Can I put parchment paper in air fryer?

The parchment is a great addition to the air fryer. You can use it for having crispy food without oil.

However, there is a little trick that you need to keep in mind when using paper sheets. The difference between cooking times of the ingredients is crucial – if you cook one thing longer than another, then it will burn or undercook.

In this case, your dish will not be perfect and most likely have problems with taste as well as failing with its intended purpose of being a healthy and low-fat meal.

Can you put paper towel in air fryer?

Definitely no. Air fryers use hot air to cook food and develop nice, crispy surfaces. Putting paper towel will create a moist environment and the food may not get crispy

Can you use aluminum foil instead of parchment paper?

No, you should not. Aluminum foil in air fryers is not always a good idea because it is combustible and the aluminum tends to get into the food if the temperature is too high. Use parchment paper or a silicone baking mat instead.

Is aluminum foil toxic when heated?

Aluminum is toxic when heated because it can leach into food that is being cooked with foil or metal utensils.

Aluminum foil has many uses; however, if heated with food it can release aluminum into the patient's system. The most common use of aluminum is out of pots and pans for cooking. If a person uses aluminum foil to cook or heat up items, they could be putting themselves at risk.

Most companies say not to use aluminum foil in the oven, but some people do it anyway. It can be extremely dangerous to put anything metallic in the oven because it may result in toxic fumes being released into the person's body.

At what temperature does aluminum foil become toxic?

At temperatures above approximately 660 °C (1,220 °F), the foil can become toxic as aluminum oxide and other compounds are formed.

Conclusion about Aluminum Foil in Air Fryers

There are a lot of benefits to using aluminum foil in air fryers when cooking, but it can also be dangerous for you and your family if not used correctly.

The aluminum foil in an air fryer is a great way to cook healthy, delicious food without mess. It also helps keep your kitchen cleaner by containing any splatters or spills that might happen during cooking.

Aluminum foil can be dangerous if not used correctly and with caution. You want to make sure your food doesn't come into contact with the metal because cooking at high temperatures will cause toxic fumes which are harmful to humans. If you don't know what else to do, just avoid using it altogether!

If you are using this technique for the first time, be sure to read our blog post on how to use aluminum foil in air fryers safely so you don't do anything wrong and hurt yourself! We hope this has been helpful and we can help you learn more about other ways to reduce clean up with these tips!

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Do You Need Cooking Oil With Chicken on Aluminum Foil


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